Tuesday, February 12, 2008

OK! OK! I will update

Ok, still not much going on my life. I have been just concentrating on working and trying to get out of debt. I did help save a life today!! It was pretty awesome we had a patient code (for those of you not savvy to medical lingo they went into cardiac arrest) The patient had just had a Thyroidectomy and was doing just fine and moved to recovery when all of the sudden they presented a huge hemotoma and started bleeding out. I just happened to be in the recovery unit when all this happened and was the go to person for everything they needed. I ran around like crazy for about 20 minutes until the patient was stable enough to go back to the operating room. I helped out for a bout 30 more minutes in the room until everything was stable and under control. I have to tell you it was quite a rush. I know why my brother David loves his job it feels great knowing that you have helped save a life.

Needless to say that is the most exciting thing that has happened to me in a while. I hope everyone is doing well and I can't wait to hear from you.